Irrawaddy Delta, Myanmar
How can a school increase disaster resilience?
The Cyclone Nargis struck Myanmar in May 2008, making landfall in the Ayeyarwady Division, approximately 250 km southwest of Yangon, and affecting more than 50 townships.
Swiss Development Cooperation – Humanitarian Aid (SDC- HA) decided to establish a project to reconstruct schools built to use as storm shelters.
The project contemplates the construction of 30 buildings. The design integrates local knowledge, internationally recognized structural engineering and quality standards. Integration of local communities and their needs was regarded as an essential aspect and formed part of an all inclusive approach.
The aims of the project are to build child-friendly schools, to provide storm shelters for the community and to improve knowledge of maintenance, hygiene, disaster preparedness and waste management
The schools/storm shelters are built fully disaster resistant and comply with international norms, safety and quality standards and the national building codes.
The prevailing site conditions require the application of carefully selected construction materials and techniques. The building is fully furnished and equipped with rain water supply collection and storage tank, sanitary installations and schoolyard development, incl. safe access.
Project Details
Location: Delta de l’Irrawaddy, Myanmar
Year: 2011-2015
Program: Reconstruction of 30 cyclonic Schools
Client: Education Department, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT
Author: SDC-HA (Mikhail Broger)
Cost: n.c.
Pictures: Mikhail Broger